It is Monday…
I had to work the whole week (also at night) to set up the showroom…
I had headaches….
A tree in our garden broke and fell onto the street (honestly!!! A lot of sawing and cleaning on Sunday)…
I am too tired…
The sun is shining…
I need to bake bread…
Do you recognize the pattern? These are some of my newest excuses why I did not tackle some unfinished projects. But what I did was start some new :-DDD This has to stop now. I will use the @needlworkmonday #wipchallenge to become a better crafter person. I will not abandon my helpless knitting projects in a dark box – no, no, no…
Did you guess why I started with this long introduction? Yes, that’s right, I wanted to distract you from the fact that my first wip challenge projects are laughable. In my mind I went through all the complicated projects of sweaters with not-fitting sleeves, socks where I forgot how the heel is worked, cardigans which require hand sewing, sweaters which have a million loose yarn-ends and then settled on two very easy projects I will present you today. Two projects which are unfinished but without any real difficulties to overcome – only my own laziness (which is huuuuuuggggggeeeee)
My strategic thinking behind this is: if I manage to finish these easy projects (categorized as JL 1… if you have no idea of what I am speaking hop to @jonalyn2020 wip challenge post) without any painful feelings, I then will be immensely motivated to go on with more difficult projects. I will create a ladder of success and by the end of the wip challenge I will have finished all my wips …
Dear reader, stop laughing now, I can hear you 😆
Let’s dive in: The crochet hexagon jacket
Inspired by @blezyn I started a thick and cuddly hexagon crochet jacket. My first try on this amazing technique (it‘s mind blowing to see how you can form a jacket out of two hexagons). I went for a free pattern which I planned to modify to my liking. The original pattern uses a lot of bold colors, big pockets made with flower motives and a longish fit. I decided to follow @blezyn and make a cropped version in one or two colors without pockets. I started, all went well and then I tried the jacket on: too long, too wide. This initiated the first box-sleeping period for the hexagon jacket.
But I still was motivated. So, some days later I unraveled and decided to sew the sleeves together and to omit a lot of more rows which the original pattern required.
Before you can sew both halves of this jacket together, there are more rows inserted at the back of the jacket and around the bottom… I mindlessly followed this instruction. And to no one’s surprise… again the jacket was too wide and too long (no idea, why I did not think of this before crocheting). Again, I unraveled. I decided to only insert some rows at the back instead of crocheting around the recommended three sides… And that’s where I stopped to have fun? Where other newer projects sparked more joy. Sigh, not sure what happened exactly, but here I am with a jacket where I need to crochet some rows on the backside, sew it together and to decide how I will finish the sleeves.
In my mind this sounds promising and easy, let’s hope I can get it done. I would love to wear this jacket in fall with my green/lilac/yellow skirt.
The lace shawl
Because I am a show-off, I decided to mention another wip and claim I will have done both next week (oh noooo, did I really write this?)
The second project is the lace shawl I started out of despair when the Frauenmuseum (museum of women) rejected my application. (By the way, I got accepted afterwards, but they forbade me to include any garment-like artworks… I will perhaps write about this later, because I am happy they took me but am also confused why they do not accept art which has sewing in it… straaaange).
Back to the lace shawl.
I partner-knitted it with @cryptocariad and SHE IS FINISHED! Yes, she finished this shawl many days ago and I am still on it :-DDDD No problem you will say and you are right, but….: I made some mistakes in the lace section (I knitted the bobbles wrongly which resulted in no bobbles at all) and after seeing her amazing bobbles I now want to knit this shawl again and this time without the mistakes. But before I allow myself to start this shawl again, I mustmustmust finish the first one. There are only some rows of garter stitch missing (ok, more than some rows, there are exactly 51 rows missing) but this should be doable, or?
What do you say, good decision or am I a wussy and should have unburied the craziest wip, added more wips, or should have gripped the lighter for the cleansing fire?

From 1.7.2022 to 31.7.2022 you can buy my Basquy NFT‘s on opensea (not expensive and unique – go fo it 😇) The project is curated by Artespace gallery und you can find all of my ten artworks here. Buyers get free entry to Venice Biennale 2022.
Thank you @crosheille for initiating and @marblely for hosting the #needleworkmonday and the community builder team @lauramica, @romeskie and @kattycrochet I am so glad to be part of.
If you want to see more beautiful projects with yarn, fabric and most of all needles, follow @needleworkmonday on hive blog. Or even better grab your needles and keyboard and join the #needleworkmonday community. You can read more comments on this post on my hive blog.
Read more about my art und upcoming exhibitions on neumannsalva or buy some of my digital artworks on NFT showroom.
Last but not least: if my post coaxed a smile on your face you could support me on Ko-fi