I love when people look sophisticated and put together. I love looking at people who wear an „outfit“ not only some garments, I love to explore other peoples style. And I really really also want to look like this. So, when I visited the fabric shop to buy more of the pink fleece for my exhibition and my eyes fell on this lovely striped fabric in the scrap box, I could not resist to buy it, because you know, it exactly fits with nothing in my wardrobe. 😂
You perhaps expected me to give you a recap of my exhibition today, but sigh double sigh, I am too tired and headachy. The opening las weekend went very well (as well as its possible during covid) and am really happy about this. I will write more about the exhibition when its finished and I am fitter.
Today will be a short post about a very slim fitting shirt I made, and I wore during the exhibition set up.

As written above the striped fabric kind of autonomously hopped into my shopping cart and I was forced to buy it. What shall one do…? Again, I forgot to measure the scrap I bought, but I guess it was roughly 1 x 1,40 m. Just enough for a long sleeve shirt…. Nearly.
At home after washing the fabric I noticed why it had a reduced price: someone had cut roughly 40 centimeters of the fabric, very annoying (note to my self: check the fabric better next time). To save on the fabric I decided to use a very slim fitting pattern I have drafted after the explanation of the amazing book Pattern magic stretch fabrics. As so often I forgot some crucial things while lusting after a quick sewing fix. For example, the drafted shirt pattern is meant to be the starting point for designing other clothes, so it’s drafted like a second skin. Very, very tight… But, as said, I forgot this.
While cutting the parts of the shirt I noticed that the fabric will not suffice if I cut the sleeves with the stripes in the „right“ direction (like the body), but why not make the sleeves with stripes in a different direction I thought. Yes, dear needleworkers, why? BECAUSE THE FABRIC IS LESS STRETCHY IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION!! (I am yelling at myself)

All cut out and still oblivious to my mistake I sewed the whole shirt together with my serger. No hiccups, all went well. Shirt done. Excitedly I put it on and had a bad awakening: the sleeves and armholes are too tight. It is wearable, but I would have liked roughly 2-4 cm more fabric around my biceps and armpit. I am not sure if I drafted the pattern wrongly, if the „wrong“ less stretchy fabric direction or both are the culprit. Additionally, I am wondering why the shirt is not tight from the waist downwards…

A good next step would be to draft the pattern again, or even make notes on the pattern pieces, so that I do not forget that the sleeves are too tight… yeah, I really should do this (while writing this my eyes are wandering to the kettle, and I contemplate making a very strong coffee in hope it will alleviate the headaches and the pattern is so far away… 🤣)
Thank you @crosheille for initiating and @marblely for hosting the #needleworkmonday and the community builder team @lauramica, @romeskie and @kattycrochet I am so glad to be part of.
If you want to see more beautiful projects with yarn, fabric and most of all needles, follow @needleworkmonday on hive blog. Or even better grab your needles and keyboard and join the #needleworkmonday community. You can read more comments on this post on my hive blog.
Read more about my art und upcoming exhibitions on neumannsalva or buy some of my digital artworks on NFT showroom.
Last but not least: if my post coaxed a smile on your face you could support me with cocain coffee on Ko-fi